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billy jones bluez
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the Delta Blues Outlaws

..welcome to the blues highway!

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Billy Jones & The Delta Blues Outlaws “…smokin’ hot funky blues!” 
Artista / Grupo: Billy Jones & The Delta Blues Outlaws
Álbum: “…smokin’ hot funky blues!”
Discográfica: Delta Blues Records
Año publicación: 2023
Fecha crítica: 08/2024
Valoración: MUY BUENO
Sitio web:
Billy Jones es un guitarrista, cantante y compositor proveniente de la zona de la Bahía de San Francisco. Desde muy pequeño se interesó por la música aprendiendo de artistas como Little Johnny Taylor, Rufus Thomas o Larry Davis. A partir de ellos desarrolló un estilo propio que se nutre de influencias de otros músicos como son Chaka Khan, Chocolate Milk o The Bar-Kays, mezclando con habilidad el blues, el soul y el góspel.
En 2001 publicó su primer trabajo al que le han seguido cinco discos más. Este álbum está grabado en directo desde el Harlow’s Casino de Greenville, Mississippi y captura toda la energía y la pasión que Billy Jones transmite en todos sus shows en directo.
Cada una de las doce canciones seleccionadas dejan ver a las claras que estamos antes un artista que posee unas notables cualidades vocales para cantar los estilos antes mencionados, siempre con una enorme credibilidad y buen gusto, además de demostrar una técnica precisa a la guitarra y muy buen gusto en lo que a composición se refiere. En el disco se alternan temas propios con algunas versiones como “Tryin’ To Get You” popularizada por Elvis Presley, o los conocidos “Please Come Home For Christmas” de Charles Brown, “Barefootin’” o “Tennessee Whiskey”.
Billy Jones está a la guitarra y voz, bien respaldado por Corey Bray a los teclados y voces, Rev. Keith Tucker al bajo y Ricco Smith a la batería.
Los amantes de la música negra en general y del soul y el blues en particular, apreciarán las dotes de este intérprete y de los músicos que le acompañan y se sumergirán con facilidad en los ritmos que la banda nos propone.

Artista / Grupo: Billy Jones & The Delta Blues Outlaws
Álbum: “…smokin’ hot funky blues!”
Discográfica: Delta Blues Records
Año publicación: 2023
Fecha crítica: 08/2024
Valoración: VERY GOOD

Billy Jones is a guitar player, singer, and songwriter coming from San Francisco Bay Area. From a very young age he was totally interested in music, learning from artists like Little Johnny Taylor, Rufus Thomas or Larry Davis. From them he developed his own style that is nourished by influences from other musicians like Chaka Khan, Chocolate Milk or The Bar-Kays, besides skillfully mixing blues, soul and gospel as well.
In 2001 he released his first recording which has been followed by five more albums. This one has been recorded live from Harlow’s Casino in Greenville, Mississippi and captures all the energy and passion Billy Jones always communicates in all his live shows.
Each of the twelve selected songs clearly prove we are facing an artist who has remarkable vocal qualities to sing the just mentioned styles, he always does with an enormous credibility and good taste, in addition to present a precise technique on guitar and a good dose of cleverness in terms of composition. The album alternates his own songs with some versions like “Tryin’ To Get You” popularized by Elvis Presley, or well-known tunes like “Please Come Home For Christmas” coming from Charles Brown, “Barefootin'” or “Tennessee Whiskey”.
Billy Jones is on guitar and vocals, well supported by Corey Bray on keyboards and vocals, Rev. Keith Tucker on bass and Ricco Smith on drums.
Black music and especially soul and blues lovers, will appreciate Billy Jones’ skills as well as the work of the musicians who surround him, something that will easily let them immerse in the rhythms that the whole band brings us.

.✨. Cover Me ..♪♫•*¨*•.the Delta Blues Outlaws Blues Freak ~the Delta Blues Outlaws ~ Outlaws of the Blues Highway ~ (instrumental) Man & A Half ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws
..the first 14 cases of our NEW cd arrive at Delta Blues Records main office!
listen to the full album here:

delta blues records
© 2023 ℗ 2023
..smokin' hot funky blues for those who travel the blues highway!

and just like that  ..a whole new era of authentic blues music begins!         
                                                                           america's MOST WANTED blues band!                                   
recorded live! Harlow's Casino ~ Greenville, MS
welcome to the blues highway!
america's MOST WANTED blues band!

Delta Blues Outlaws release “Shade Tree Mechanic” lyric video

North Little Rock based blues rock band Delta Blues Outlaws have released a lyric video for their take on “Shade Tree Mechanic,” which is now available for download.
Delta Blues Outlaws currently have a residency at Harlow’s Casino in Greenville, Mississippi where they’ve been performing for over 10 years. The band also plays the Mid-South casino circuit in Tunica, Natchez, Lula and various juke-joints along the blues highway.

Delta Blues Outlaws are currently available for bookings.

Booking Info:

america's MOST WANTED blues band!
the Delta Blues Outlaws
Runnin' Out Of Lies ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws Tryin' To Get To You ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws Someone New - Before I Let You Go ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws No Diggity ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws Love's Train ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws Barefootin' ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws Can We Talk? ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws Everyday Will Be Like A Holiday ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws Tennessee Whiskey ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws Keep On Rollin' ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws

..the Monkey Pox Remix

“ Billy Jones’ ‘Funky Blues & Southern Soul - Volume 1' is, what the title already suggests, a mix of fine Southern Soul and great blues, where Billy's sometimes scorching guitar goes far beyond the qualitative average… “ -

The Billy Jones Story:
..the times and travels of an authentic american bluesman.

..something is growing down in the Delta. ..long thought to be extinct.
...witness the resurrection and reinvention of a rare species.
"..the return of the authentic american bluesman."
Star Award 1.jpeg
...join Billy Jones and his band of Genuine Road-hardened Delta Blues Outlaws as they travel the Blues Highway:
...the return of the authentic american bluesman.
1. Someone New / 2. Homeboy ..I Can See You're Drunk Again!
Fire ..performed LIVE! a Juke-Joint. ..somewhere along the Blues Highway.
Oklahoma City Live Performance!
Harlow's Casino TV Commercial: - Billy Jones Band featured in television commercial!
Scissortail Arena Foundation Promotional Video: ..Billy Jones Band featured in TV commercial!
Purple Rain - The Billy Jones Band performance!
Give It To Me Baby ....Live! ...on the road! a Juke-Joint.
Tennessee Whiskey / Shake Your Body Down / Blues / Country
ShadeTree Mechanic /
Sex Machine / Purple Rain /How Do You Want It /
My Love Is Real - The Billy Jones Band
"...the american bluesman is the original outlaw."
Outlaw's Reward - recorded Live! the Arkansas Department of Corrections.
"...deep blues."
Biggest House In Town - The Billy Jones Band
coochie: ..the original hard drug.
Can't Let You Go - The Billy Jones Band
booking info:
The Billy Jones Story:
..the times and travels of an authentic american bluesman.
CD REVIEW: "La Hora del Blues" Radio Show from Barcelona, Spain:
"..this excellent recording combines blues, funk & southern soul with taste and class resulting in an actual urban sound, perfect to attract new generations of blues lovers. ..powerful songs. ..amazing punch and good rhythm.
..Jones’ voice and guitar work shine like a dazzling star!"


The Billy Jones Band: 'Funky Blues & Southern Soul Vol.1'

Born in the deep south of United States, where segregation was present in most aspects of daily life, Billy Jones grew up in his grandfather's bar, listening to blues in different juke joints and bars. Elmore James, Big Joe Turner, Jackie Wilson, B. B. King, Muddy Waters, Sam Cooke and other great blues and soul musicians were his influences and, when he was only five years old, he already had a guitar on his hands. Soon he started to perform for the American troops, which allowed him to travel all over the world and get a wide musical experience. Now he brings us his last and excellent recording, that accurately combines blues, funk and southern soul, always with an excellent taste and class, which makes as a result an actual urban sound, perfect to attract the new generations of blues music lovers. Ten powerful songs with an amazing punch and good rhythm, where Billy Jones’ well pitched voice and excellent guitar work shine like a dazzling star, perfectly supported by Corey Bray on keyboards, Rev. "Do Dirty" Kendrix on bass and Mark Flinoil on drums. A highly recommended work. In short words, this is a superb album in many concepts. GREAT.

"..some stuff you just can't buy at your local music store.

..absolute authenticity ..only comes from the real thing."

..flaming hot funky blues guitar! ..tortured Southern Soul.
..brimstone devil notes blazing from demon possessed fingertips.

“ Billy Jones’ ‘Funky Blues & Southern Soul - Volume 1' is, what the title already suggests, a mix of fine Southern Soul and great blues, where Billy's sometimes scorching guitar goes far beyond the qualitative average… “ -


..bring the fun ..passion ..danger ..excitement ..sexuality ..mystery ..mojo and magic that you get when you hire artists that have actually traveled the Blues Highway in the Land Where The Blues Began.
Book the NEW American Bluesman & his band of Genuine Road-hardened Delta Blues Outlaws for the best time ever at your Festival, Show or Event.
We are looking forward to making lots of new friends as we travel the Blues Highway on our Nationwide Blues Society Tour.
..please contact our procurement officer at for details and info about booking The Billy Jones Band.
YouTube Channel:
"Billy Jones brings back the Thrill. No one who I can think of has taken a truly contemporary look at traditional blues with the musical and lyrical intensity of Billy Jones. A refreshing blast of the really great sound of Healing Blues, Jazz, Funk Music. Loaded with Rich Blues Tradition. B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Even Johnny Winter Flavors. I recommend his cd 'Funky Blues & Southern Soul - volume 1' to any avid blues listener and I look forward to hearing more from the reclusive Billy Jones.
This guy is the real deal and this is a great CD!"
------------------------- every Entertainment Director in every Blues Society, Juke Joint & Honky Tonk on the planet Earth.
...bring the absolutely authentic & real thing to your festival, show or event. The Billy Jones Band.
...send me that contract!

...our cd: Funky Blues & Southern Soul - volume 1 now FOR SALE at:
...we love ya'll. ...go buy one!!

Taking Blues to New Places with R&B, Southern Soul, and Urban Style :
"One of the very Best Authentic Modern Blues and Soul albums in recent memory.
Billy Jones is a totally charismatic veteran who shows all the signs of becoming as big or bigger than Buddy Guy.
What really got to me were the lyrics. is “Blues” ..transformed, updated and urbanized."
"Exquisite Modern and Traditional Blues and Neo-Soul by one of the most talented artists on the contemporary scene."
"This man has enormous talents. ..he has a quiet demeanor which disappears when his performance starts.
Then he transmogrifies into an animated music machine. ..a great musician and a gifted performer. ...and a nice guy." -

"...he has a voice that will enchant you. ...his songs are oozing with sexuality. times dark. ...mysterious. ...downright funky, and always compelling. ...Billy Jones is certainly his own man. ...with a show-stopping style!"
Mz. SouthernSoul Blues Critic

...genuine road-hardened delta blues outlaws. ...blues/funk meets southern soul!

"...his vocals are a blend of blues intensity and style with urban soul. ...incredibly soulful and funky!’s as if every song chastises me for never having heard of this man or his music before now. ...a combination of multiple genres while still maintaining a great late night, urban club feel. No matter if you want to call it soul, blues, R&B or whatever, Billy Jones can really put some emotion into his music. ...and as I say all the time, that is what music, and especially Southern Soul music, is all about. ...each of the songs guarantees I’ll be back for more."
- Southern Soul Review
Book This Band to perform at your Club, Festival or Event.
"I like. Super cool. Great mix of styles. ...blues and funk, with a contemporary aftertaste. Good stuff. "
review by: Louie Milestone
- Southern Soul Review
Billy Jones spent his teen and young adult years touring with, playing back-up guitar and being mentored by Calvin Leavy, Little Johnny Taylor and Larry 'Totsie' Davis. ...these are the original versions by the original masters that were written and recorded long before the cultural raiders and imitators came along.
All three of these great artists died penniless and unrecognized. ...and their life's works stolen to make fortunes for others.
Now ain't that the Blues? is an honor to have been a musical soldier in their bands.
...these are some of my favorite quotes:
"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."
"We are the masters of our own destiny. We are the makers of our own fate."
"Without Courage ...we cannot practice any other virtue consistently."
“Know thy self and you will know the secrets of the universe.”
True Greats...
Are Not Those Born With
Golden Spoons In Their Mouths
But Those...
Who Through Hard Work
Turn Their Own Wooden Spoons
Into Gold.
...our cd: Funky Blues & Southern Soul - volume 1 now FOR SALE at:
...we love ya'll. ...go buy one!!


Wat is de naam van jouw bedrijf of organisatie?
billy jones bluez
Wat is jouw functie in jouw bedrijf of organisatie?
songwriter, entertainer
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De blog van Billy jones bluez

Man & A Half ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws

Man & A Half ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws

Geplaatst op 3 December 2023 om 1.54

Vote for the Delta Blues Outlaws in the Blues Blast Music Awards ~

Vote for the Delta Blues Outlaws in the Blues Blast Music Awards ~ Live Blues Recording
our album '..welcome to the blues highway!' is entered into the category for "Live…

Geplaatst op 16 Mei 2023 om 22.11


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billy jones bluez heeft zijn/haar profiel bijgewerkt
22 Feb
billy jones bluez posted a blog post
18 Feb 2024
billy jones bluez posted a blog post

Man & A Half ~ the Delta Blues Outlaws

Man & A Half ~ the Delta Blues OutlawsSee More
3 Dec 2023
billy jones bluez posted a blog post
4 Aug 2023
billy jones bluez posted a blog post

Vote for the Delta Blues Outlaws in the Blues Blast Music Awards ~

Vote for the Delta Blues Outlaws in the Blues Blast Music Awards ~ Live Blues Recordingour album '..welcome to the blues highway!' is entered into the category for "Live Blues Recording"...this is a recording of our live performance at Harlow's Casino on December 17th in Greenville, was a fun show and a great audience.  ..we hope you like…See More
16 Mei 2023
billy jones bluez posted a blog post
19 Feb 2023
billy jones bluez posted a blog post

Billy Jones & Delta Blues Outlaws

..the Monkey Pox Remix “ Billy Jones’ ‘Funky Blues & Southern Soul…See More
4 Okt 2022
billy jones bluez heeft video's geplaatst
13 Okt 2021
billy jones bluez heeft een video geplaatst

LIVE PERFORMANCE VIDEO: - The Billy Jones Band - Electronic Press Kit. ..on their journey to the Crossroads ..Billy and the funky blues nation invade a Juke-Joint somewhere along the Blues Highway. h...
8 Mei 2019

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