Nederlands MediaNetwerk

Client: Media Markt CH, SatisFiction
Project: Commercial

For Media Markt Switzerland, Koelstof MediaLab created an engaging commercial showcasing a tornado destroying the pricing of products.

Project Track:
Based on a briefing by the client, Koelstof MediaLab further refined the concept and created a 30 second animatic of the commercial to work out timing, framing and explore shot possibilities. The animatic was approved by the client, and construction of the digital sets commenced.

A 3D tornado object was animated, featuring the logo of the MediaMarkt. 3D particle simulations where created, that had the tornado dynamicly interact with the digital set pieces. Via the texturing and digital light department, the shots where rendered in seperate passes.

The different render passes when than composited into finalized shots with added depth of field, atmospherics and fine tuned shadow and lighting detail.

Ivo Schouten
Account, Storyboard, 3D Layout, Technical director, Particles & Dynamics
Jeroen de Mooij
3D Layout, Digital Lighting, Particles & Dynamics, Rendering
Jarno Cordia
3D animatic, Camera Layout, Compositing & Color Grading

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  • Momenteel 0/5 sterren.

Weergaven: 110


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